When you have to choose a wedding ring and an engagement ring, you come across a variety of concepts and considerations.
In Mila Silver's Guide for Wedding and Engagement Rings, we tell you what the most common ring models are, which ring goes with what and how to find out your partner's ring size on the sly!

Ring models

The solitaire ring - ring with a diamond in focus

The solitaire ring is a stylish and beautiful wedding or engagement ring with a single diamond. Here the diamond gets to be in focus.
The solitaire ring is usually combined with an alliance ring or a smooth wedding/engagement ring.
A solitaire ring can have diamonds of different shapes, round oval or square.

Alliance ring - ring with a band of diamonds

The alliance ring is a classic and timeless wedding or engagement ring. The ring has a band of diamonds that fit tightly together.
The ring can be a full-alliance ring where the diamonds go around the entire ring or half-alliance ring as in the picture.
If you choose a semi-alliance ring, you don't have to fear that the diamonds will damage the underside of the finger.
The English word Eternity band ring nicely describes what the ring means - eternal love.
The alliance ring can be worn both as a wedding and engagement ring. The ring is often combined with a solitaire ring or a smooth ring.

Tjej som bär ett set med vigsel- och förlovningsring med diamanter.

Choosing wedding rings and engagement rings that match each other

What should I consider when choosing a wedding ring and engagement ring that match each other?

  • The rings should form a nice unit
    When choosing rings that match each other for your wedding and engagement, it is important to think about harmony. The rings must form a nice unit together.
  • Differences that lift each other up
    At the same time, the rings must have something different. The Alliance Ring and the Solitaire Ring in the picture are a good example of this.
  • Rings with the same height
    The diamond is welcome to stick up, but the wedding ring and engagement ring should have the same height so that the rings end up at the same level on the finger.

Plain Wedding & Engagement silver rings

A set of smooth silver rings for the engagement or wedding can be just as beautiful. The smooth ring is beautiful in its simplicity and is a perfect choice if you are proposing and want to decide on wedding rings together later.
The plain silver engagement ring can serve as a base for her to build on with a diamond wedding ring.
The man's smooth engagement ring also becomes a wedding ring after the wedding and can then be gilded with an engraving.

Engagement ring & Wedding ring for the man

The man's engagement ring is often a plain silver or gold ring that is slightly wider than the woman's ring.
Before the wedding, people often choose to engrave the man's engagement ring, which then turns into a wedding ring.
For men, the range of wedding and engagement rings is somewhat narrower, although this is changing.
We see more and more variations for men and also diamond rings for men are becoming popular.

Is the more expensive ring a wedding ring or an engagement ring?

A question that many ponder over is which of the rings in a set is for the wedding or for the engagement. Is the more expensive ring a wedding ring or an engagement ring?
The answer is that there are no rules. Think about how you want it yourself. Maybe you want a slightly simpler ring for the engagement and put the finishing touches on the wedding ring? Or vice versa.
The engagement ring is the ring you get first. If you do not know when the wedding will take place, it is important that you can wear your engagement ring for a longer period of time and can combine it with other rings that you wear in everyday life.
The man usually wears a ring that he gets at the engagement and which is then engraved for the wedding.

Before the proposal - How you can find out the ring size on the sly

If you're going to propose, you probably don't want to reveal yourself by asking about your partner's ring size. So how are you supposed to find out the size on the sly?

Measure a ring your partner already has

- Measure a ring that your partner already has and that you know fits their ring finger. Visit a store to measure the ring or measure it yourself. Read more about how to measure rings in the Size guide for rings .

Buy a simple engagement ring for the proposal

- Buy a plain silver ring for the proposal in a size you think will fit. Should it not fit, you can return it and order the "real" engagement ring later.

Look at rings together

- Maybe you have talked about getting engaged at some point in the future.
Visit a store and look at rings together. Keep an eye on which size fits when your partner tries on rings;)

Ask a friend or relative

- Maybe someone close to you knows what ring size your partner has!
Ask around, someone may have bought a ring as a birthday or Christmas present.

Diamantens 4 C

För att bestämma diamantens värde använder man fyra olika mätvärden. Man brukar prata om diamantens 4 C:
Carat (ct - diamantens vikt), Colour (diamantens färg), Cut (diamantens slipning/form), Clarity (diamantens klarhet).

Carat - diamantens vikt

Carat (ct) är en måttenhet för diamantens vikt. En carat motsvarar 0,2 gram.
Carat bestämmer inte diamantens storlek i diameter eftersom även slipning och kvalitén på slipningen avgör vilken carat diamanten får och hur stor vi uppfattar diamanten.
En bra slipad diamant upplevs som större och reflekterar ljuset bättre än en dåligt slipad diamant. Storleken i mm och caraten är inte proportionerlig. En 2 ct. diamant är exempelvis inte dubbelt så stor som en 1 ct. diamant. Skillnaden är bara ca 1,5 mm.

Colour - diamantens färg

D - E: (River) Mycket sällsynt vit. Den högsta färgkvalité som finns på diamanten.
F-G: (Top Wesselton). Sällsynt vit.
H: (Wesselton). Vit.
I: (Top Crystal). Mycket lätt tonad vit.
J: (Crystal). Lätt tonad vit.
K-L: (Top Cape). Tonad vit.
M-N: (Cape). Lätt gulaktig.

Vigsel- och förlovningsringar från Mila Silver är infattade med TWVS diamanter. Alltså sällsynt vita diamanter med mycket små inneslutningar, se tabellen för klarhet nedan.

Clarity - diamantens klarhet

Diamantens klarhet är en viktig måttenhet för diamantens utseende och kvalité.
Klarheten står för diamantens renhet. Alltså hur få inneslutningar diamanten har. Detta bedöms med lupp i 10 gångers förstoring.


Very, very small inclusions

VS1, VS2
Very small inclusions

SI1, SI2
Small inclusions

I1, I2, I3
Pique included

Cut - diamantens slipning

Skalan för diamantens slipningskvalité visar hur bra diamanten reflektera ljuset. Om diamantens slipning gör så att ljuset reflekteras mycket, upplevs diamanten som mycket gnistrande.
Slipkvaliteter: Ideal - Excellent - Very Good - Good - Fair - Poor.

Diamantens olika former

Briljantslipad diamant är den vanligaste diamantslipningen och den slipning som de flesta väljer till sin vigsel- eller förlovningsring. Briljantslipade diamanter har nämligen en mycket vacker lyster med maximala ljusreflektioner.
Briljantslipade diamanter är oftast runda med 57 fasetter.

EMERALD (smaragd/rektangulär)
Smaragd slipade diamanter är rektangulära med raka kanter. Denna slipning har som små trappsteg på sidorna med en yta i mitten som är plan. Eftersom denna slipning gör att inneslutningar blir mer synliga bör man välja en diamant av hög kvalité.

Ovala diamanter är tidlösa och ger ett nätt och elegant uttryck. Den ovala diamanten har blivit alltmer populär för de som önskar en vigsel eller förlovningsring med en annan form är den vanliga runda. Den ovala diamanten har samma fina slipning och lyster som runda briljantslipade diamanter.

CUSHION (kudde)
Den kuddslipade diamanten är fyrkantig med rundade hörn. Kuddslipade diamanter finns med olika slipningar där den vanligaste är Cusion Brilliant med samma slipning som den runda briljantslipade diamanten.

PRINCESS (fyrkantig)
Princess-slipade diamanter är fyrkantiga med skarpa hörn.
Slipningen är klassisk med många reflektioner och vacker lyster.

Feel free to contact us

If you have any questions about our wedding and engagement rings, you are most welcome to contact us.
info@milasilver.se | +4670-5347316